Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Diving In!

On Easter Sunday I was baptized at Gold Creek Church in Mill Creek, WA. I had been baptized required of me. I never really knew that one could have a relationship with God...an intimate, personal relationship.

Lutheran as an infant, confirmed in the Lutheran church as a teenager and even went to a Lutheran college in Minnesota. But I never chose church myself. I went and participated because it was

Last year when I hit rock bottom and was severely depressed, having multiple panic attacks each day, I sort of "stumbled upon" God again. In a bookstore. With a Joyce Meyer book. I had no idea she was a Christian author but her new book had just been released that day, You Can Begin Again, and that sounded like a real fine idea to me.

I devoured that book. I went back later that week to buy another one. I could not get enough. Before the week was out I had half a dozen books, downloaded podcasts from Joyce, Joel Osteen, Henry Cloud and had the Bible app installed on all my devices. I was hungry for the Word. Within a few weeks, I was starting to have hope again. Hope that my situation would change and that things would improve and I could move forward with my life. Nothing had changed in my situation, but I was no longer alone...in fact, I never was. But now I had gotten into such a close relationship with God that I felt a power and a strength that I had never in my life experienced before.

I was fortunate to be led to Gold Creek by several different people in my life. It took me awhile to decide that church was a decent place to be. I mean, all my life, I had watched these "so called Christians" do not very Christ-like things and if that was what being a Christian was all about then by all means, count me out!! I gave Gold Creek a chance. I found that the founding pastor, Dan Kellogg, delivered the Word in such a way that it really resonated with me and spoke life into my life. It felt like "home" very quickly. I felt welcome, not judged and just accepted...the single mom with her 3 crazy kiddos. And...they have espresso! Sold!

I jumped right in and started volunteering. I have since taken on the church's social media and Pastor Dan's social media as well for his blog and upcoming endeavors. It was the perfect position and community for me. I decided that I wanted to make my own decision to be baptized and give my life to Christ through baptism. I've just turned 40 and this is a very significant time in my life with things really changing and moving forward and I can feel with every fiber of my being that God wants to use me and my story to help others and to lead others to Him.

I took the plunge! I'm diving in. I'm ready for whatever God wants to use me for. I am truly excited for the journey and for the Light Always Wins ministry to take off!

1 John 1:5
The LIGHT shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it.

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